Finally figure out how to deal with boredom in ways that don’t involve smashing an entire family size bag of chips.
Learn why boredom and other big emotions (hello stress and anxiety!) cause you to constantly be munchin’ and figure out better ways to stop boredom eating in this 3-week mini course!
Course starts the week of July 24!
What’s included:
live trainings
Let’s get to the root of your boredom eating. This 3-week course includes 3 live trainings* by a registered dietitian. We’ll cover:
what boredom eating is
what the heck is causing it
what your triggers to eating are and how to fix them
ways to manage boredom and other big emotions, such as overwhelm and anxiety, without turning to food
how to tune in to your hunger & fullness cues
creating a toolbox to help stop emotional eating the next time it strikes
how to never feel bored again!! JK this is impossible, but you’ll definitely learn how to manage boredom better :)
*trainings will be available for replay if you can’t make them live!
weekly “homework” activities
What good is learning the info if you don’t put it to use? Not very useful, I’ll tell ya that! Each week, you’ll have simple “homework” to apply the live training to your real life.
private facebook group
Ask questions, hold yourself accountable to weekly homework and get individualized support from a registered dietitian and other coursemates. We’ve got your back!
weekly hot seat coaching
Got a burning question or are feeling really stuck with something? In addition to the private facebook group, those who attend weekly trainings live will get the opportunity to ask questions to get individualized support specific to you!
I’m Kate, your host and food freedom dietitian!
Listen, you’re not broken and unfixable if you eat when you’re bored. Heck, this is my job and even I boredom eat sometimes.
You’re human. It happens. Boredom eating is one of THE MOST common topics that comes up on calls with clients!
Boredom eating really does you no favors, though. Eating while bored doesn’t solve the problem of being bored in a long-term way. In fact, boredom eating often leads to overeating, can cause feelings of guilt and shame and can turn into you talking to yourself in really crappy ways.
Long story short, life is too short to beat yourself up over your food choices. And boredom eating is a fairly easy problem to solve…when you have the right tools ;)
Mind Over Munchies is for you if:
You’re ready to stop raiding your pantry every time you’re working on a dull work project
Your go-to response for feeling bored or avoiding something is to reach for food
You can easily eat food that’s in front of you, even if you’re not hungry
You consider snacking one of your hobbies
You don’t ever know if you’re truly hungry or just bored/emotional
Questions? email Kate@KatePetersonNutrition.com